Why is Zoning important and how is it adapting with the growing population

Zoning is how the local government regulates and develops land within its control. It is broken down into multiple categories to help balance a city/ county to ensure proper land use and provide value to citizens that own property.

As well, zoning helps protect the local environment and keep property values stable.

Zoning laws are the laws that regulate the use of land and structures built upon it.

Accordingly, they are { zoning laws } are created for the simple purpose of protecting the health, safety and general welfare of the people as relates to land use.


They Include things such as:

  • Protecting the value and enjoyment of properties by allowing a property its most appropriate land use given its location and surrounding uses.

  • Providing for the orderly development of a city, including making provisions for land uses in the best interests of its citizens, and

  • Providing adequate public infrastructure, like roads, parks.


The purpose of zoning is simple as it was designed to ensure balanced communities. Zoning allows the government to control the development of the land and ensure the public is satisfied with their community.

Zoning laws can be changed by a local government as long as they fall within state and federal statutes, and a particular plot of land may be rezoned based on consideration, eg, rezoning of agricultural land into mixed use developments, like Legacy Ridges and Thika Grove Chania.

Examples of zoning classifications include residential, commercial, agricultural, mixed - use developments,  industrial, or hotel/hospitality, among other more specific designations.


With the increase in population rate in the city and with the current rural to urban migration, old residential areas are turning more into mixed - use developments to be able to cater to a more diverse set of people, and avoid congesting into one location to conduct business.

This has led to real estate firms filing for mixed use developments when coming up with new estates in the market. 

The purpose of this is to allow residents to have a mix of  work, play and recreation facilities in one area without the hassle of commuting for long hours, and offer more interaction with a different people.

With this in mind a lot of upcoming estates like Thika Grove Chania and Finpark Estate, are focusing on increasing the tree cover in their projects to offer residents a serene and quiet area for country living and ample space for commercial investments towards the main road to avoid noise pollution.


The purpose of zoning is to create a well-balanced community and abide by the community’s needs while taking into consideration population density and growth trends.

While zoning changes can raise concerns and occasionally lead to legal challenges, a collaborative approach that prioritizes the community's well-being can minimize such issues. By working together, residents and policymakers can foster a zoning plan that encourages sustainable growth and prosperity for all.


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